Women in Film and Television




An unfinished short film, based on an ‘Age’ newspaper article about rape. Directed and shot  by myself and Christine Johnston, featuring Meredith Rogers as the woman/ rape victim, which we shot round and about Carlton and inside 66 Carlton St, where Christine and I were then living.  Featured the  voice over from Albion Hotel regular, Danny  Kramer.

SKETCH by Prue Borthwick of women making films. 1975

SKETCH by Prue Borthwick of women making films. 1975




Researcher, interviewer, presenter for TV series for Channel 8 Darwin about women in the NT, producer/ director Sally Ingleton. I made two segments as Researcher/ Reporter and was the writer on a third.

Marketing Aboriginal Art- about Shirley Collins and Dorothy Bennett who were at this time colleagues working in promoting and selling Aboriginal Art in Darwin. Comprised interviews and archival material.  These women introduced me to Aboriginal Art.

Whirlie Music - about Darwin based Sarah Hopkins, a musician, cellist, composer and sound art performer.

Sarah Hopkins and I were collaborators - she composed the score for Tea and Pictures and worked with Michael Havir on the music for The Ingkata’s Wife and also taught the cast overtone singing.


Body Image- Writer of the monologue- Fat and Feminism for this programme.


See also: Art Authentication